What you need to know
Your health is your wealth, and at PayPal, we want our employees and their families to receive the best medical care possible. That’s why you receive health and long-term care insurance through The Foreign Transportation and Finance Health Insurance Association (FTFHIA) health insurance plan.
All employees of PayPal Japan and their eligible family members can participate. To be considered an eligible dependent, family members must be certified by FTFHIA and primarily depend on your income.
You pay 50% of the cost for health and long-term care insurance. PayPal covers the other half.
What’s covered
For complete details and a summary of benefits, visit The Foreign Transportation and Finance Health Insurance Association.
Appropriate use of company benefits
Misuse of company programs, including the submission of false bills, is a serious matter that can have significant legal and financial implications for both the individual involved and the company. The misuse of company programs is prohibited by the PayPal Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and can lead to disciplinary actions, including termination of employment.