Health plan

What you need to know

The PayPal Thailand health plan provides you and your family the health cover you need, when you need it. You’re immediately eligible for the plan upon your hire date.


Your health is your wealth, and at PayPal we want the best health care for all our employees. To make sure you stay well, PayPal provides all permanent employees and interns of PayPal Thailand with private medical and dental insurance.

This benefit is 100% company-paid, and you’re immediately eligible for coverage upon your hire date. Permanent employees can also enroll eligible family members (spouse, children) for coverage.

What’s covered

For complete details on what the health plan covers, refer the Policy document (only accessible within the PayPal firewall).


The health plan includes the following hospitalization benefits.

  • Daily room and board: up to THB 4,000
  • Intensive care unit (maximum of 15 days): up to THB 8,000
  • Hospital expenses (general): up to THB 80,000
  • Ambulance service: up to THB 4,000
  • Surgical fee (non-scheduled): up to THB 80,000
  • Doctor’s visit: up to THB 1,300
  • Specialist consultation: up to THB 5,500
  • Emergency out-patient (OPD) treatment caused by an accident: up to THB 8,000

Major medical

When you become ill or injured and need major medical care, you’re covered. The plan pays 80% of eligible medical expenses in excess of in-patient benefits (IPD), up to the maximum combined limit of THB 600,000 per incident.

Out-patient benefits (OPD)

If you need out-patient care, the plan covers 1 visit per day, with a maximum of 30 visits per year, up to THB 2,000 per visit. This also includes coverage for up to 6 mental health visits per year.

Maternity benefits

Maternity benefits cover additional medical expenses associated with pregnancy.

  • Normal childbirth: up to THB 40,000
  • Emergency cesarean section: up to THB 80,000
  • Ectopic pregnancy: up to THB 80,000
  • Miscarriage: up to THB 20,000

Dental benefits

The health plan also includes dental benefits. Receive up to THB 5,000 per year to cover the following care and procedures:

  • Oral examination
  • Scaling
  • X-ray and laboratory tests
  • Fillings, extractions, and root canal treatment

Appropriate use of company benefits

Misuse of company programs, including the submission of false bills, is a serious matter that can have significant legal and financial implications for both the individual involved and the company. The misuse of company programs is prohibited by the PayPal Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and can lead to disciplinary actions, including termination of employment.

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