What you need to know
Outside of the new hire enrollment period or the Annual Enrollment period (which takes place each fall), you can only change your benefits if you have an IRS-defined qualified life event. The deadline to make your changes is typically 31 days after the life event.
What is a qualified life event?
Qualified life events include:
- If you have or adopt a child, or there's a change in legal custody of a child
- You get married, divorced, legally separated, or there's a change in your domestic partner relationship
- Change in employment status that results in a loss or gain of benefits, such as beginning or ending employment, change in hours, or an unpaid leave of absence
- Change in dependent status of a child, such as when he or she reaches age 26
- Significant change in spouse’s premium contributions
- Significant change in dependent care charges
- Entitlement to Medicare, Medicaid, or another insurance plan
- Change in spouse’s benefit elections
- Relocation of home residence outside of current coverage area
- Death of a spouse or child
If you experience a life event (i.e., birth of a child, marriage), you’ll need to verify dependent benefits eligibility by providing documentation, such as a birth certificate, following benefits enrollment. Verification will be required for any dependents enrolled in medical, dental, or vision. You can complete the verification process online via Your Benefits Resources (YBR).