Prescription drugs

What you need to know

Your prescription drug benefits depend on the medical plan you choose. The Kaiser HMO plan manages its own prescription drug benefits, while CVS Caremark provides prescription drug benefits for participants in the Meritain Health plans.

Visit CVS Caremark

What's a formulary?

Prescription drug coverage includes a formulary, which is a list of generic and brand-name prescription drugs covered by your pharmacy plan.

A formulary includes:

  • Commonly prescribed medications covered by your plan’s pharmacy benefit
  • The medications available for certain conditions, organized into cost levels or tiers
  • Medication exclusions or other requirements, such as prior authorization and step therapy, that may affect how medications are covered

If your doctor prescribes a drug that is not on the standard formulary but is clinically necessary, your provider can request an authorization.

What you pay under the Meritain Health medical plans

Retail versus mail order

You can get a 30-day supply of medication from retail pharmacies.

If you're on a maintenance medication, such as high blood pressure medication, fill your prescription through the mail-order service. No need to do anything, you’re auto-enrolled.

You have the option to opt out of the mail-order service by calling CVS Customer Care at 844-287-1297. If you choose to continue with the program, save money and receive a 90-day supply for the cost of a 60-day supply through use of mail order or a CVS/Target pharmacy.

Dispense-as-written requirement

If you fill a prescription for a brand drug when a generic is available, you’ll pay the difference between the brand and generic prescription drug cost (including copay), unless the brand drug is clinically necessary. In this case, your provider can send a request for authorization to CVS.

*Under the Meritain CDHP with HSA , deductibles and coinsurance apply. You are responsible for full prescription costs until you reach combined deductible.

Note: Manufacturers often provide copay cards to patients to help cover the very high cost of specialty drugs. If you’re prescribed a specialty drug and use a manufacturer copay card to help offset the cost, the dollar value of the manufacturer copay card does not count toward your medical plan deductible.

Prescription drug out-of-pocket maximum

After you reach your out-of-pocket maximum, the plan pays 100% of eligible expenses for the remainder of the plan year. Under both Meritain Health plans, prescription out-of-pocket maximums are included in the medical out-of-pocket maximum.

What prescriptions are covered?

To find out whether your medication is covered:

  1. Visit, or call CVS Caremark customer care at 844-287-1297.
  2. Use the Check Drug Cost tool to see if a specific prescription is covered under your plan. And if it is no longer covered, you’ll see how much the prescription will cost.

What is prior authorization and why is it needed?

Prior authorization is an extra level of approval and may be required for certain medications. It helps ensure the safe, effective, and appropriate use of selected medication, making sure you’re receiving the right medication for your condition and ensuring the medication is cost-effective and clinically appropriate. The following situations may require prior authorization for your prescriptions:

  • Your doctor prescribes a medication not covered by the formulary
  • The medication prescribed is subject to age limits
  • The medication is only covered for certain conditions

If you are not able to take the generic medication, your doctor can request a prior authorization that would allow you to purchase the brand without paying the ancillary charge.

How to submit a request for prior authorization

If you need prior authorization for your medication, your doctor can fax the Global Prior Authorization Form to 888-836-0730. Your doctor can also call 800-294-5979 to provide the information over the phone.

If your prior authorization request is denied, you’ll need to change to a covered medication.

For more information, call customer care at 844-287-1297.

How to appeal a prior authorization denial

If your prior authorization request is denied, you can submit a written appeal to CVS Caremark. Be sure to include:

  • Full name of the person for whom the appeal is being filed
  • Member identification number
  • Member date of birth
  • Name(s) of the prescription drug being requested
  • Comments, documents, records, and relevant clinical information provided by the doctor

Where to send your appeals

For standard prescription drugs

Fax: 866-443-1172; Attention: Appeals Department

Mail to: 
CVS Caremark
Appeals Department MC 109
P.O. Box 52084 
Phoenix, AZ 85072-2084

For specialty prescription drugs

Fax: 855-230-5548; Attention: Appeals Department

Mail to: 
CVS Caremark
Specialty Guideline Management
Appeals Department
800 Biermann Court, Suite B
Mt. Prospect, IL 60056

For more information on the prior authorizations and appeals process or to check the status of an appeal, review the CVS Prior Authorizations, Exceptions, and Appeals Programs or contact customer care at 844-287-1297.

Provider contact information

What you pay under the Kaiser HMO medical plan

You can get a 30-day supply of medication from retail pharmacies.
If you're on a maintenance medication, such as high blood pressure medication, for an extended period of time, consider the mail-order option, which provides a larger quantity for a reduced copay.

Prescription drug out-of-pocket maximum

After you reach your out-of-pocket maximum, the plan pays 100% of eligible expenses for the remainder of the plan year. Prescription out-of-pocket maximums are included in the medical out-of-pocket maximum.

Provider contact information

Save money on prescription drugs

Compare costs. Save money.

If you're a Meritain Health member, you can use the CVS Check Drug Cost tool to see what you’ll pay and whether there’s a lower-cost alternative available.

Use the Tool

  • Whenever possible, ask for a generic equivalent to save money, and use in-network pharmacies to avoid paying more.
  • All Meritain Health and Kaiser Permanente (CA) medical plan members receive in-network maintenance drugs at no cost to help manage ongoing or chronic medical conditions, such as:
    • Diabetes
    • High blood pressure
    • High cholesterol
  • All of our medical plans cover certain preventive anti-cancer medications, at no extra cost for women over age 35 with increased risk of breast cancer, and annual screenings for certain individuals at risk for lung cancer, including CT scans of the thorax.
  • Need some help understanding features of the prescription drug plan? See the Terms to know page.

Additional savings for Meritain Health members

Meritain Health members can save 20% on thousands of CVS® brand health-related items, like pain medicine, cough and cold remedies, vitamins, and more, with the CVS ExtraCare Health Card Program, available at retail stores.

Learn more about your prescription drug benefits

Getting to know CVS Caremark's digital tools
A basic overview of the features available on and the mobile app, ways to save, how to save time with your order, and understanding your plan.

Compare Rx costs and coverage
Learn more about the full costs of prescription drugs, how to compare drug costs at different pharmacies, and personalized drug savings opportunities. 
Rx coverage and prior authorizations
Explains what a drug formulary is, why and how prior authorizations work, and what to expect with prior authorization. 

Prescription benefits 101
New to prescription drugs? Not sure how your benefits work? This video provides a basic overview of your benefits and CVS Caremark's digital tools. 

Save time and get your Rx online
Fill or refill your prescription online in a few simple steps with CVS Caremark's easy-to-use tools.