What you need to know
You are responsible for enrolling in health insurance pursuant to statutory requirement (known as Zorgverzekeringswet or Basisverzekering). PayPal also offers optional health insurance cover, known as Collective Health Insurance, which is provided by Nationale-Nederlanden upon request (not mandatory).
Statutory health cover requirement
Basic health cover is generally provided by the national social security. Everyone living in the Netherlands is required to take out health insurance under this scheme and will be reimbursed for their main healthcare needs under the basic insurance package. The system is administered by private insurance companies, and you can choose which company's scheme to join.
You are free to choose the insurance company that will administer your health cover, and your income will not be taken into account. You are also free to change your insurance company once a year.
Both you and PayPal make contributions towards your health insurance cover. In addition, the company pays € 40 (after tax) per month towards your medical cover but you must provide a copy of your insurance coverage as part of the onboarding process and at the beginning of each year to receive it.
Sponsored Collective Health Insurance – Nationale-Nederlanden
PayPal also offers Collective Health Insurance cover upon request (not mandatory). You may either get insured with your own chosen insurance company, or use the one the company offers, which is provided by Nationale-Nederlanden.
You may apply directly:
- Employees must use the collective number 31984
- Family members must use the collective number 31985
This is arranged between you and the insurer, so you are billed directly by the insurer.